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On-site participants



2.所有的報告檔案都必須用 PowerPoint 2010、2013 或 2016(帶有 .pptx 已及MS Windows)格式。

如果您使用上述以外的檔案,例如 OpenOffice 或 GoogleSlides,則不予受理。




 禁止:注意使用特殊符號,如 @/*><:"{}|+





Notes on oral reports

1.The maximum report time is 15 minutes

2.All report files must be in PowerPoint 2010, 2013 or 2016 (with .pptx and MS Windows) format.

If you use a format other than the above, such as OpenOffice or GoogleSlides, it will not be accepted.

 Regulations: Format of slides in PPT:

-Try to use bold and sufficient fonts for easy reading on computers or laptops.

​-Set to landscape mode/wide screen (wide 16:9)

Prohibited: Pay attention to the use of special symbols, such as @/*><:"{}|+

3.The organizer may record, record and photograph the event, and record and photograph the sound, images, and photos of the event. If not, please write to us in advance.

*If you want the attendees to contact you after the conference, please leave your name and email on the last slide in the PPT.


1.確保您的桌上型電腦或是筆電可以使用此Cisco Webex軟體




Notes on speaking or pre-recording

Make sure you can use Cisco Webex software to make laptops with this type of computer.

You can test the equipment before the meeting, whether your camera lens and microphone can be used.

The report needs to be in a quiet space, free from any external noise interference.

Please turn off your mobile phone or other communication sounds during the speech to ensure that there is no interference.

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